Tempered Steel is an annual literary magazine that publishes creative work by Colorado State University Pueblo and Pueblo Community College students from across majors and experiences. We strive to publish pieces that highlight the best that area students have to offer, accepting submissions in fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, translation, book reviews, artwork, cartoons, and self-contained comics. We also welcome hybrid genres and any other genres that demonstrate a high level of artistry and craft; however, we do not accept academic papers.

Thank you for considering your work for submission to Tempered Steel, and we look forward to reading all the fantastic pieces our community has to offer.

Submitters should adhere to the following guidelines: 

  • Fiction and Creative Nonfiction submissions: Submit up to 2 pieces of no more than 3000 words each 
  • Flash Fiction or Flash Creative Nonfiction submissions: Submit up to 3 pieces of no more than 1000 words each
  • Poetry submissions: Submit up to 6 poems
  • Art submissions: Submit up to 6 images that are at least 300 dpi and will translate well to being printed in grayscale 
  • As a courtesy to our staff, we ask that you please remove your name from your document to aid us in keeping our selection process unbiased

Each submission should also include a brief cover letter that contains the following: 

  • The titles and genres of the work you're submitting
  • Your NetID number
  • An alternate email address and phone number
  • Your mailing address
  • A brief bio written in third person (This can be two or three sentences about yourself, your major, writing experience, or anything else you would like to share with us.)

We look forward to reading your work! Any questions can be directed to Professor Darci Schummer at darci.schummer@csupueblo.edu. 

Tempered Steel Literary Magazine